Reload Facility with Safe Product Storage
In 2005, we again took advantage of the railroad spur that runs by our yard. Today, through our rail car reload center, we offer efficient rail car reloading of lumber, OSB, plywood and metal. All are delivered to our yard and off-loaded, inventoried and reloaded for delivery throughout the Midwest. This program saves our customers money, benefits the environment through lower fuel consumption and reduces wear on highways.
Transload — Reload Facility
Do you need product shipped via rail?
Thanks to our rail car reload center and bulk material handling, we can unload train cars and store your product in our environmentally controlled, security-protected warehouse. We can then ship by semi to your destination without your product being exposed to the elements.
Warehouse Storage
Have a product you need stored?
If you need to have a product stored, we can also receive your product via semi, store it and ship it when needed. We have our own rail spur and a large, accommodating yard for easy loading.
• Our yard is located only 1.5 miles off Interstate 43.
• Our 24/5 operations ensure your product will be accepted and shipped when it fits your schedule.
• Weekend hours are available by appointment.
Contact Us
For more information on Dufeck’s safe product storage and shipment options, please contact joni@dufeckwood.com or Andy Dufeck at (920) 863-2354, or you can contact us here.